One YouTube trend the fanbase likes to do is "Custom DVDs". "Holy Christ the Christmas tree's on fire." "Jesus, can you believe it's Christmas again?" said Sir Topham Hatt. An increasingly popular trend is splicing in audio clips from George Carlin's audiobooks as if they were actual narration. Henry shouting "For the love of God, Montressor!" as he is being bricked up in the tunnel. Sonic Hacking Contest 2014 (Day 2) and Joel's Windows 7 Destruction stream are where this face gained memetic popularity. Dart's face from one of his promo images is quickly becoming this, originating from the Thomas and Friend Wiki powered by Fandom. It's rather popular on Pixiv to render scenes from the episodes with the engine characters being humanized. Ringo's narration of "Shut up! It's not funny!" from " Break Van / Donald and Douglas" has come up a lot, often as a form of Self-Deprecation in YouTube Poop usage. Just search up "Tomy (insert episode here)", or "Trainz (insert episode here)", for instance. It's also very popular for people to use toys and/or simulation programs to remake episodes of the series. "You have caused confusion and delay!" Explanation Sir Topham Hatt's catchphrase. Heck, just the usage of the word "Cross" in general is this since it's used to describe whenever a character in the show is mad/angry/pissed off. The Fat Controller/Sir Topham Hatt was very cross. "His driver applied the brakes." ".but it was too late.". Lines from Thomas & Friends will frequently appear in comment sections of YouTube videos (that is until the infamous COPPA update came along and affected many videos) and Facebook pictures showing train wrecks, train crashes, derailments, and train collisions:.
Tellingly, she doesn't care about the house itself but rather how that day's breakfast was ruined.
"Just look what you've done to our breakfast!" Explanation This line originates from " Thomas Comes to Breakfast", where a woman says this line after Thomas accidentally crashes into her house.Further mutations and successor memes, if any.]The explanation behind the meme, if necessary.] Explanation Like this. Please add entries in the following format if possible: